Individual English and German classes are the best choices for successful and purposeful people!

It is hard to find a minute for your self-development in such a hectic modern life. But you can find the time if you choose individual classes. Modern learning methods, flexible schedule, and gifted teachers – this is not all that describe English and German classes at our school.

Individual learning – study when it`s convenient for you!

Everyone has an opportunity to attend English and German courses individually, regardless of age and level of knowledge. Such training is suitable for those who:

– prepares to pass the External Independent Evaluation (ZNO), TOEFL, IELTS, or any other exams;

-gets ready for an important interview;

-wants to learn the thematic vocabulary – IT, medicine, etc.

The educational program at our school is based on English File textbooks by Oxford University Press. We choose learning material according to each student`s wish. You can focus on vocabulary, grammar, communication, or everything in the complex.

Just English It навчить говорити англійською та німецькою кожного!

Just English It will teach everyone to speak English and German properly!

By choosing individual learning you get an opportunity to develop your schedule and attend courses at any convenient time.

We are located at 38, Nauky avenue, 8th floor, office 817, Budynok Proektiv, Botanichniy Sad metro station.

From the 24th of February, our school works only online.

We will teach you how to speak English and German as quickly as possible!

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